Sunday, October 18, 2009

New Star of the show for this year's Paula Deen Weekend!!!!

Miss Kalai and Carissa accompanied Julie, Amanda and me to Headland for our second annual Paula Deen weekend and all eyes were on her. We did have fun and eat lots. I think it would be impossible to spend enough time with Nana and D-Dad, but we were grateful for a few blissful hours. They both look great and us 'girls' had fun visiting on the way there and back. I am constantly amazed by the wisdom and strength of my sisters. When I'm with them they teach me so much I have to remind myself that I'm the oldest! Carissa had some wisdom to share too and I've really enjoyed getting to know her. And Kalai doesn't have to be wise - she can just be cute.

Hope all is well in the rest of the Brannon world!!!

Monday, October 5, 2009

"Paula Deen Week-end #2"

We need a report on the above when someone has time.
Love to all, Dad(Wayne)